About Us

Changing the World While Shopping the World


Our Story

Bajalia International Group (BIG) is a Fair Trade retail and wholesale provider of home, fashion and jewelry goods handmade by artisans in underdeveloped economies. BIG connects consumers and retailers with the stories of the sustainable global impact their purchases make while taking Fair Trade products to the masses. Founded in 2009, BIG has become a world leader in social enterprise and Fair Trade.

Collaborating with artisans in 28 countries including India, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Haiti, and over 12 years in partnership with BIG’s sister nonprofit, we develop timeless, handcrafted pieces for market while working to ensure living wages, workplaces free of exploitation, and that girls stay in school. We create global market pathways for our artisans as we come alongside them to increase their capacity to reach more consumers and retailers. For retailers, we are a bridge to beautiful artisan products and handle all logistics and testing so our artisans can better compete in the global market. 

When it comes to halting violence against women, this process of market creation and artisan business growth is a game changer. 90% of our artisan workforce is comprised of women. There is a direct correlation between more jobs for women and less violence against them. When consumers purchase these unique, culturally rich products, they are directly impacting the lives of the artisans, their families and their communities. Bajalia is honored to bring both the products and stories of these talented entrepreneurs to the rest of the world.


Our Mission

Bajalia exists to give voice to women everywhere whose experiences go unnoticed and whose words go unheard. Our hope is to involve others, both consumers and retailers, by telling the stories of women entrepreneurs around the world. Together, we can make a difference. Together we can see true, sustainable change occur as women are empowered and lives are transformed.


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